From Opening Our Hearts, Transforming Our Losses, p. 169:
“I’m still grieving, but the despair is gone.”
“I am learning that though I grieve incredibly for the loss of my ———- (fill in the blank), I don’t have to drown in that pain.”
Before getting into recovery, I wasn’t aware of the tools available to all of us to cope with the inevitable disappointments in life.
No one had explained to me the concept of letting go of people and situations that I had no control over. This is huge because the continual battle of my will to change the unchangeable was exhausting and taking a toll on me more than the person I was hoping to change.
The regular practice of gratitude has gifted me with a perspective on my own life, simply focusing on my blessings and keeping them in the forefront of my mind.
Surrendering to a greater being than I am for guidance and faith is so basic. And I believe absolutely that no matter what happens in my life, all will be well.
These are but three of the tools the program has given me. And when I pick them up and use them, no matter what sadness I must deal with, the despair is lifted and I have hope.
Happy (early) Fourth of July, everyone! This year I’m celebrating sixteen years of freedom and independence from the disease that affects so many of us. God Bless!