

Can an Unbreakable Spirit Triumph Over Brokenness? – Marilea talks to host Carol Graham about resiliency and never giving up hope.

#ConversationsLIVE – Host Cyrus Webb welcomes author Marilea to #ConversationsLIVE to discuss her new book Stepping Stones and what she hopes readers are able to take away from it. 

Dialogue – Marilea joins Host Susan Wingate on Dialogue.

January Virtual Book Club – Marilea talks with Linda Joy Myers, President of the National Association of Memoir Writers, about her second memoir, Stepping Stones, on January 14, 2021.


STEPPING STONES Set For June 16 Release (Broadway World)

Guest post at Dear Reader, Love Author

Guest post at Book Bloggin’ Princess

On the Spotlight: ‘Stepping Stones: A Memoir of Addiction, Loss, and Transformation,’ by Marilea C. Rabasa (Confessions of an Eccentric Bookaholic)

An Excerpt from ‘Stepping Stones: A Memoir of Addiction, Loss, and Transformation,’ by Marilea C. Rabasa (Read My First Chapter)

On the Spotlight: ‘Stepping Stones: A Memoir of Addiction, Loss, and Transformation,’ by Marilea C. Rabasa (My Bookish Pleasures)

My Daughter / Myself (The Fix)

An Interview with Marilea C. Rabasa, Author of the Memoir ‘Stepping Stones’ (As The Pages Turn)

Childhood Trauma and Adult Addiction Memoir (Mary Jo Doig)

An Interview with Marilea C. Rabasa, Author of the Memoir ‘Stepping Stones’ (The Writer’s Life)

The Biography Shelf (Midwest Book Review)

Stepping Stones (New Books)

Book Publishing Secrets with Memoirist Marilea C. Rabasa (Book Publishing Secrets)

Book Review: Stepping Stones – Easy to Read, Hard to Forget (writeknit)

Guest post by Marilea C. Rabasa, Author of ‘Stepping Stones: A Memoir of Addiction, Loss, and Transformation’ (As the Page Turns)

Guest Post (Straight From the Author’s Mouth)

Read Part I of my conversation with Denis Ledoux, Director of The Memoir Network.

Read the conclusion of my interview with Denis Ledoux.

“Telling HerStories” Blog (Story Circle Network)

Spelunking (Story Circle Network)

Sheila Bender is featuring my new memoir in an article for Writing It Real this month. I’m happy to share this selection of vignette excerpts, an illuminating example of how this structure works. Take a look.